The "KKDIK Regulation" referred as the Turkish REACH
KKDÄ°K (Regulation on Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals) was published in the Official Gazette on 23 June 2017. The Regulation goes into effect on December 23, 2017, with the exception of applications for the transitional period.
The list of constraints comes to 66th place as the regulation aiming to register all substances manufactured or imported in more than 1 ton by 31.12.2023. Some lines (inputs) will begin to be implemented at the end of the specified transition periods, but will be applied at the time when the regulation enters into force. Limitations restrict or completely prohibit the use of certain chemical substances on the market.
As Çedfem, preparations continue to support our industry in this process. Lastly, we participated in the "INFORMATION SEMINAR", which brought together representatives of the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization and IMMİB (Istanbul Mine and Metals Exporters' Unions) in Istanbul Foreign Trade Complex on 27.10.2017.