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» » » ISO 14001 Environmental Management System Consultancy

ISO 14001 Environmental Management System Consultancy

Environmental issues have been expressed more frequently in the last decade, and most importantly, these problems have played an important role in raising the environmental awareness of people (extreme temperatures, excessive rains, sellers, storms, hoses, etc.).

This awareness is not only at the personal level but at the level of organizations and national governments. The nations show their commitment in this regard as a party to international agreements and contracts. The situation is even more important for organizations because organizations are under pressure from customers, market conditions, competition conditions, employees, neighbors and legal legislation.

The Environmental Management System is established and documented by the organizations at the beginning of the way to show the environmental consciousness to the above mentioned groups. The Environmental Management System not only responds to the expectations of the print groups, but also helps organizations better manage their processes and, most importantly, help the system achieve economic efficiency and profitability. Economic gain is attributable to business about competitive advantage, customer satisfaction and savings.

ÇEDFEM provides consultancy support for the establishment, implementation and improvement of the Environmental Management System at the institutions. With the experience of the field in this regard, it is possible to make a difference in the institution with practiced applications.

  • References

      Çelebi Bandırma Limanı
      Bayrak Plastik
      Murat Ticaret
      Ağırman Makine

17-11-2017, 11:46 / Consultancy

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