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Wetland Management Plan Projects

Wetlands, hundreds of thousands of years old, are the most important genetic reservoirs of the earth with a rich collection of plant and animal species and dense organisms. They have a high economic value due to the possibilities of fishing, agriculture, livestock, reed cutting, peat extraction and recreational activities as well as organizing the water regime of the region where they are located, climate balancing, ecological balancing and preservation of biodiversity. However, due to the industrialization movements that have started all over the world and developed rapidly, the wetlands have suffered great damage. As a result, many species of extinction dependent on wetlands have faced extinction threats.

Our country aims to ensure the protection of wetlands and their rational use by signing the international RAMSAR Convention and the "Regulation on the Protection of Wetlands" prepared by the Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs.

The ministry is in the process of drafting a Management Plan that sets guidelines for the activities in the region, setting out the decisions and provisions on the principles of planning in relation to the protection of the protected status, the maintenance of resource values, development, management and promotion. Management Plans are prepared, the natural values of wetlands and lakes, their problems and threats are determined and the measures to be taken in the Management Plans are put forward.

All the work carried out in the preparation of the technical report to guide the activity in the region is carried out by the different experts and academicians.

  • References

      - İznik Gölü Sulak Alan Yönetim Planı

17-11-2017, 11:29 / Ecosystem Studies

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